Divestiture Management Suite

The Divestiture Management Suite (DMS) is a set of four transactions used to display, report and download master data from over 23 screens (tcodes) within SAP PRA, SAP JVA and SAP CO and three key reports useful for agreement exhibits, general analysis and legal suspense detail to be transferred to a buyer.

1.     The Divestiture Workbench (DWB) is designed to support the process of divesting Oil and Gas assets, primarily producing oil and gas properties.  It also has value in researching existing assets for general use.

·       The DWB allows the user to group assets into portfolios. With a focus on ease of use, it employs a single screen to search for and display related asset data using “perspectives”.

·       Delivered perspectives include information from SAP PRA, SAP JVA, SAP CO and can easily be extended to cover custom data. (Currently, there are 23 perspectives from more than 23 SAP tables available in the DWB).

·       For example, if the user wanted to select all Texas Gas wells, a selection can be made from the Well Completion perspective using primary geographic location (State) to select all wells in Texas. The list can then be further narrowed down to only gas wells using the Well Completion Dated selection.

·       Within minutes the user has every piece of relevant information as relates to the divestiture saved in a single, comprehensive screen. Compare this to the current process which involves a complex and time-consuming combination of copy/paste in multiple SAP transactions, SE16 and Excel file downloads. Add lack of knowledge as to where to find information, as well as authorization issues in a productive environment and this makes it a very frustrating process.

·       Intelligent forward navigation is built into the DWB. You can double click on an asset (Well) and the system will automatically advance you to the next logical perspective in sequence, and the related target information will be automatically highlighted.

·       Once the portfolio is saved it can be locked, ensuring it cannot be altered. (Comprehensive authorization is built into all aspects of the Suite)

·       The results of each perspective are displayed in standard SAP ALV format which allows sorting, downloading, filtering and hiding fields.

·       With one click, the entire portfolio can be downloaded to a single Excel file (one tab for each perspective) or multiple text files (one text file for each perspective) to be available for use both internally and externally.

The DWB covers both operated and outside operated assets including outside operated properties managed in Check Input (revenue processing Check Input)


2.     The Query Workbench (QWB) is built on the same framework as DWB.

·       It’s primary use is for general research and analysis of PRA data (not necessarily related to divestitures)

·       Instead of portfolios, the data is grouped and saved by query name

·       Queries belong to configurable query groups

·       It has many of the same features as DWB including all relevant perspectives on a single screen, forward/ backward navigation between perspectives, and all download options.


3.     The Data Navigator is an ‘on the fly’ data viewer. Queries are not saved.

·       Ad-hoc, targeted queries are the main feature of the Data Navigator.

·       Data Navigator ‘Views’ can be configured

·       Configuration allows for the definition of selective perspectives only that are available for viewing.  For example, an ‘Ownership’ view could be configured to allow only those perspectives that relate to the ownership area to be visible in that view (Venture, Base DOI, Owners, Bearer Groups etc).

·       All perspectives in a view are on a single screen and forward/backward navigation is supported.

4. The DMS Supportive Analytics includes three reports.

  • Joint Venture GWI Report

  • DO Summary Sheet

  • PRA Owner Balance Report

Contact us to learn more about this product or to schedule a demo.